The physical address for the property is:
4689 Bitter Goose Lane, Broad Top, PA 16621
The GPS coordinates for the property are:
N40.241939, W-78.11567
From Pittsburgh - Route 22 East to Huntingdon; Route 26 South to flashing light at Rothrock Market; left on Route 994 , then 9 miles to Shady Maple Campground, then right onto Shady Maple road - the lodge is located 1.3 miles on the right
From PA Turnpike - West on PA Turnpike to Fort Littleton (Exit 13), North on 522 to Orbisonia - West on 994. Just prior to Shady Maple Campground turn left onto Shady Maple road. The Bitter Goose Lodge is down the road 1.3 miles, on the right.
From areas of Eastern PA - West on PA Turnpike to Fort Littleton (Exit 13), North on 522 to Orbisonia - West on 994. Just prior to Shady Maple Campground turn left onto Shady Maple road. The Bitter Goose Lodge is down the road 1.3 miles, on the right.